Graph structure via local occupancy

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The first author together with Jenssen, Perkins and Roberts (2017) recently showed how local properties of the hard-core model on triangle-free graphs guarantee the existence of large independent sets, of size matching the best-known asymptotics due to Shearer (1983). The present work strengthens this in two ways: first, by guaranteeing stronger graph structure in terms of colourings through applications of the Lovasz local lemma; and second, by extending beyond triangle-free graphs in terms of local sparsity, treating for example graphs of bounded local edge density, of bounded local Hall ratio, and of bounded clique number. This generalises and improves upon much other earlier work, including that of Shearer (1995), Alon (1996) and Alon, Krivelevich and Sudakov (1999), and more recent results of Molloy (2019), Bernshteyn (2019) and Achlioptas, Iliopoulos and Sinclair (2019). Our results derive from a common framework built around the hard-core model. It pivots on a property we call local occupancy, giving a clean separation between the methods for deriving graph structure with probabilistic information and verifying the requisite probabilistic information itself.

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