The effect of photoionising feedback on the shaping of hierarchically-forming stellar clusters

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We use two hydrodynamical simulations (with and without photoionising feedback) of the self-consistent evolution of molecular clouds (MCs) undergoing global hierarchical collapse (GHC), to study the effect of the feedback on the structural and kinematic properties of the gas and the stellar clusters formed in the clouds. During this early stage, the evolution of the two simulations is very similar (implying that the feedback from low mass stars does not affect the cloud-scale evolution significantly) and the star-forming region accretes faster than it can convert gas to stars, causing the instantaneous measured star formation efficiency (SFE) to remain low even in the absence of significant feedback. Afterwards, the ionising feedback first destroys the filamentary supply to star-forming hubs and ultimately removes the gas from it, thus first reducing the star formation (SF) and finally halting it. The ionising feedback also affects the initial kinematics and spatial distribution of the forming stars, because the gas being dispersed continues to form stars, which inherit its motion. In the non-feedback simulation, the groups remain highly compact and do not mix, while in the run with feedback, the gas dispersal causes each group to expand, and the cluster expansion thus consists of the combined expansion of the groups. Most secondary star-forming sites around the main hub are also present in the non-feedback run, implying a primordial rather than triggered nature. We do find one example of a peripheral star-forming site that appears only in the feedback run, thus having a triggered origin. However, this appears to be the exception rather than the rule, although this may be an artifact of our simplified radiative transfer scheme.

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