Boundary-obstructed topological high-T$_c$ superconductivity in iron pnictides

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Non-trivial topology and unconventional pairing are two central guiding principles in the contemporary search for and analysis of superconducting materials and heterostructure compounds. Previously, a topological superconductor has been predominantly conceived to result from a topologically non-trivial band subject to intrinsic or external superconducting proximity effect. Here, we propose a new class of topological superconductors which are uniquely induced by unconventional pairing. They exhibit a boundary-obstructed higher-order topological character and, depending on their dimensionality, feature unprecedently robust Majorana bound states or hinge modes protected by chiral symmetry. We predict the 112-family of iron pnictides, such as Ca$_{1-x}$La$_x$FeAs$_2$, to be a highly suited material candidate for our proposal, which can be tested by edge spectroscopy. Because of the boundary-obstruction, the topologically non-trivial feature of the 112 pnictides does not reveal itself for a bulk-only torus band analysis without boundaries, and as such had evaded previous investigations. Our proposal not only opens a new arena for highly stable Majorana modes in high-temperature superconductors, but also provides the smoking gun evidence for extended s-wave order in the iron pnictides.

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