Imaging the coherent propagation of collective modes in the excitonic insulator candidate Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$ at room temperature

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Excitonic insulators host a condensate of electron-hole pairs at equilibrium, giving rise to collective many-body effects. Although several materials have emerged as excitonic insulator candidates, evidence of long-range coherence is lacking and the origin of the ordered phase in these systems remains controversial. Here, using ultrafast pump-probe microscopy, we investigate the possible excitonic insulator Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$. Below 328 K, we observe the anomalous micrometer-scale propagation of coherent modes at velocities of the order of $sim10^5$ m/s, which we attribute to the hybridization between phonon modes and the phase mode of the condensate. We develop a theoretical framework to support this explanation and propose that electronic interactions provide a significant contribution to the ordered phase in Ta$_2$NiSe$_5$. These results allow us to understand how the condensates collective modes transport energy and interact with other degrees of freedom. Our study provides a unique paradigm for the investigation and manipulation of these properties in strongly correlated materials.

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