Chiral SO(4) spin-charge density wave and degenerate topological superconductivity in magic-angle-twisted bilayer-graphene

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Starting from a realistic extended Hubbard model for a $p_{x,y}$-orbital tight-binding model on the Honeycomb lattice, we perform a thorough investigation on the possible electron instabilities in the magic-angle-twisted bilayer-graphene near the van Hove (VH) dopings. Here we focus on the interplay between the SU(2)$times$SU(2) and the $D_3$ symmetries. While the former leads to the degeneracy between the inter-valley SDW and CDW and that between the inter-valley singlet and triplet SCs, the latter leads to the degeneracy and competition among the three symmetry-related wave vectors of the DW orders, originating from the FS-nesting. The interplay between the two degeneracies leads to intriguing quantum states relevant to recent experiments, as revealed by our systematic RPA based calculations followed by a succeeding mean-field energy minimization for the ground state. At the SU(2)$times$SU(2) symmetric point, the degenerate inter-valley SDW and CDW are mixed into a new state of matter dubbed as the chiral SO(4) spin-charge DW. This state simultaneously hosts three mutually perpendicular 4-component vectorial spin-charge DW orders with each adopting one wave vector. In the presence of a tiny inter-valley exchange interaction with coefficient $J_Hto 0^{-}$, a pure chiral SDW state is obtained. In the case of $J_Hto 0^{+}$, a nematic CDW order is accompanied by two SDW orders with equal amplitudes. This nematic CDW+SDW state possesses a stripy distribution of the charge density, consistent with the recent STM observations. On the aspect of SC, while the triplet $p+ip$ and singlet $d+id$ topological SCs are degenerate at $J_H=0$ near the VH dopings, the former (latter) is favored for $J_Hto 0^{-}$ ($J_Hto 0^{+}$). In addition, the two asymmetric doping-dependent behaviors of the superconducting Tc obtained are well consistent with experiments.

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