Closeness of the reduced density matrix of an interacting small system to the Gibbs state

الملخص بالإنكليزية

I study the statistical description of a small quantum system, which is coupled to a large quantum environment in a generic form and with a generic interaction strength, when the total system lies in an equilibrium state described by a microcanonical ensemble. The focus is on the difference between the reduced density matrix (RDM) of the central system in this interacting case and the RDM obtained in the uncoupled case. In the eigenbasis of the central systems Hamiltonian, it is shown that the difference between diagonal elements is mainly confined by the ratio of the maximum width of the eigenfunctions of the total system in the uncoupled basis to the width of the microcanonical energy shell; meanwhile, the difference between off-diagonal elements is given by the ratio of certain property of the interaction Hamiltonian to the related level spacing of the central system. As an application, a sufficient condition is given, under which the RDM may have a canonical Gibbs form under system-environment interactions that are not necessarily weak; this Gibbs state usually includes certain averaged effect of the interaction. For central systems that interact locally with many-body quantum chaotic systems, it is shown that the RDM usually has a Gibbs form. I also study the RDM which is computed from a typical state of the total system within an energy shell.

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