Blinded challenge for precision cosmology with large-scale structure: results from effective field theory for the redshift-space galaxy power spectrum

الملخص بالإنكليزية

An accurate theoretical template for the galaxy power spectrum is a key for the success of ongoing and future spectroscopic surveys. We examine to what extent the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure is able to provide such a template and correctly estimate cosmological parameters. To that end, we initiate a blinded challenge to infer cosmological parameters from the redshift-space power spectrum of high-resolution mock catalogs mimicking the BOSS galaxy sample but covering a hundred times larger cumulative volume. This gigantic simulation volume allows us to separate systematic bias due to theoretical modeling from the statistical error due to sample variance. The challenge task was to measure three unknown input parameters used in the simulation: the Hubble constant, the matter density fraction, and the clustering amplitude. We present analyses done by two independent teams, who have fitted the mock simulation data generated by yet another independent group. This allows us to avoid any confirmation bias by analyzers and pin down possible tuning of the specific EFT implementations. Both independent teams have recovered the true values of the input parameters within sub-percent statistical errors corresponding to the total simulation volume.

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