Mean-field theory of interacting triplons in a two-dimensional valence-bond solid: stability and properties of many-triplon states

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study a system of interacting triplons (the elementary excitations of a valence-bond solid) described by an effective interacting boson model derived within the bond-operator formalism. In particular, we consider the square lattice spin-1/2 $J_1$-$J_2$ antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model, focus on the intermediate parameter region, where a quantum paramagnetic phase sets in, and consider the columnar valence-bond solid phase. Within the bond-operator theory, the Heisenberg model is mapped into an effective boson model in terms of triplet operators $t$. The effective boson model is studied at the harmonic approximation and the energy of the triplons and the expansion of the triplon operators $b$ in terms of the triplet operators $t$ are determined. Such an expansion allows us to performed a second mapping, and therefore, determine an effective interacting boson model in terms of the triplon operators $b$. We then consider systems with a fixed number of triplons and determined the ground-state energy and the spectrum of elementary excitations within a mean-field approximation. We show that many-triplon states are stable, the lowest-energy ones are constituted by a small number of triplons, and the excitation gaps are finite. For $J_2=0.48 J_1$ and $J_2=0.52 J_1$, we also calculate spin-spin and dimer-dimer correlation functions, dimer order parameters, and the bipartite von Neumann entanglement entropy within our mean-field formalism in order to determine the properties of the many-triplon state as a function of the triplon number. We find that the spin and the dimer correlations decay exponentially and that the entanglement entropy obeys an area law, regardless the triplon number. Moreover, only for $J_2=0.48 J_1$, the spin correlations indicate that the many-triplon states with large triplon number might display a more homogeneous singlet pattern than the columnar valence-bond solid.

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