Branching fractions and polarizations of $Dto V(omega,rho, K^*) ell u_ell$ within QCD LCSR

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this paper, we make a detailed study about the $Dto V$ helicity form factors (HFFs) within the framework of QCD light-cone sum rule (LCSR) up to twist-4 accuracy. After extrapolating the LCSR predictions of HFFs to the whole physical $q^2$-region, we get the longitudinal, transverse and total $|V_{cq}|$-independent decay widths of semileptonic decay $Dto Vell^+ u_ell$. Meanwhile, the branching fractions of these decays are also obtained by using the $D^0(D^+)$-meson lifetime, which agree well with the BES-III results within errors. As a further step, we also investigate the differential and mean predictions for charged lepton (vector meson) polarization in the final state $P_{rm L,T}^ell$ ($F_{rm L,T}^ell$), the forward-backward asymmetry ${cal A}_{rm FB}^ell$, and the lepton-side convexity parameters ${cal C}_{rm F}^ell$. Our predictions are consistent with Covariant Confining Quark Model results within the errors. Thus, we think the LCSR approach for HFFs is applicable for dealing with the $D$-meson semileptonic decays.

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