Josephson radiation in a superconductor-quantum dot-superconductor junction

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We investigate the Josephson radiation emitted by a junction made of a quantum dot coupled to two conventional superconductors. Close to resonance, the particle-hole symmetric Andreev states that form in the junction are detached from the continuum above the superconducting gap in the leads, while a gap between them opens near the Fermi level. Under voltage bias, we formulate a stochastic model that accounts for non-adiabatic processes, which change the occupations of the Andreev states. This model allows calculating the current noise spectrum and determining the Fano factor. Analyzing the finite-frequency noise, we find that the model may exhibit either an integer or a fractional AC Josephson effect, depending on the bias voltage and the size of the gaps in the Andreev spectrum. Our results assess the limitations in using the fractional Josephson radiation as a probe of topology.

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