Single-spin scanning magnetic microscopy with radial basis function reconstruction algorithm

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Exotic magnetic structures, such as magnetic skyrmions and domain walls, are becoming more important in nitrogen-vacancy center scanning magnetometry. However, a systematic imaging approach to mapping stray fields with fluctuation of several milliteslas generated by such structures is not yet available. Here we present a scheme to image a millitesla magnetic field by tracking the magnetic resonance frequency, which can record multiple contour lines for a magnetic field. The radial basis function algorithm is employed to reconstruct the magnetic field from the contour lines. Simulations with shot noise quantitatively confirm the high quality of the reconstruction algorithm. The method was validated by imaging the stray field of a frustrated magnet. Our scheme had a maximum detectable magnetic field gradient of 0.86 mT per pixel, which enables the efficient imaging of millitesla magnetic fields.

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