Path Integral for Spin-1 Chain in the Fluctuating Matrix Product State Basis

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A new method of writing down the path integral for spin-1 Heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain is introduced. In place of the conventional coherent state basis that leads to the non-linear sigma-model, we use a new basis called the fluctuating matrix product states (fMPS) which embodies inter-site entanglement from the outset. It forms an overcomplete set spanning the entire Hilbert space of the spin-1 chain. Saddle-point analysis performed for the bilinear-biquadratic spin model predicts Affeck-Kennedy-Lieb-Tasaki (AKLT) state as the ground state in the vicinity of the AKLT Hamiltonian. Quadratic effective action derived by gradient expansion around the saddle point is free from constraints that plagued the non-linear sigma model and exactly solvable. The obtained excitation modes agree precisely with the single-mode approximation result for the AKLT Hamiltonian. Excitation spectra for other BLBQ Hamiltonians are obtained as well by diagonalizing the quadratic action.

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