Disordered hyperuniformity in superconducting vortex lattices

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Particles occupying sites of a random lattice present density fluctuations at all length scales. It has been proposed that increasing interparticle interactions reduces long range density fluctuations, deviating from random behaviour. This leads to power laws in the structure factor and the number variance that can be used to characterize deviations from randomness which eventually lead to disordered hyperuniformity. It is not yet fully clear how to link density fluctuations with interactions in a disordered hyperuniform system. Interactions between superconducting vortices are very sensitive to vortex pinning, to the crystal structure of the superconductor and to the value of the magnetic field. This creates lattices with different degrees of disorder. Here we study disordered vortex lattices in several superconducting compounds (Co-doped NbSe$_2$, LiFeAs and CaKFe$_4$As$_4$) and in two amorphous W-based thin films, one with strong nanostructured pinning (W-film-1) and another one with weak or nearly absent pinning (W-film-2). We calculate for each case the structure factor and number variance and compare to calculations on an interacting set of partially pinned particles. We find that random density fluctuations appear when pinning overcomes interactions and show that the suppression of density fluctuations is indeed correlated to the presence of interactions. Furthermore, we find that we can describe all studied vortex lattices within a single framework consisting of a continous deviation from hyperuniformity towards random distributions when increasing the strength of pinning with respect to the intervortex interaction.

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