Analytic m-isometries and weighted Dirichlet-type spaces

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Corresponding to any $(m-1)$-tuple of semi-spectral measures on the unit circle, a weighted Dirichlet-type space is introduced and studied. We prove that the operator of multiplication by the coordinate function on these weighted Dirichlet-type spaces acts as an analytic $m$-isometry and satisfies a certain set of operator inequalities. Moreover, it is shown that an analytic $m$-isometry which satisfies this set of operator inequalities can be represented as an operator of multiplication by the coordinate function on a weighted Dirichlet-type space induced from an $(m-1)$-tuple of semi-spectral measures on the unit circle. This extends a result of Richter as well as of Olofsson on the class of analytic $2$-isometries. We also prove that all left invertible $m$-concave operators satisfying the aforementioned operator inequalities admit a Wold-type decomposition. This result serves as a key ingredient to our model theorem and also generalizes a result of Shimorin on a class of $3$-concave operators.

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