Adversarial Incremental Learning

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Although deep learning performs really well in a wide variety of tasks, it still suffers from catastrophic forgetting -- the tendency of neural networks to forget previously learned information upon learning new tasks where previous data is not available. Earlier methods of incremental learning tackle this problem by either using a part of the old dataset, by generating exemplars or by using memory networks. Although, these methods have shown good results but using exemplars or generating them, increases memory and computation requirements. To solve these problems we propose an adversarial discriminator based method that does not make use of old data at all while training on new tasks. We particularly tackle the class incremental learning problem in image classification, where data is provided in a class-based sequential manner. For this problem, the network is trained using an adversarial loss along with the traditional cross-entropy loss. The cross-entropy loss helps the network progressively learn new classes while the adversarial loss helps in preserving information about the existing classes. Using this approach, we are able to outperform other state-of-the-art methods on CIFAR-100, SVHN, and MNIST datasets.

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