A Recent Starbust in the Low Surface Brightness Galaxy UGC 628

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We present the star-formation history of the low surface brightness (LSB) galaxy UGC 628 as part of the MUSCEL program (MUltiwavelength observations of the Structure, Chemistry, and Evolution of LSB galaxies). The star-formation histories of LSB galaxies represent a significant gap in our knowledge of galaxy assembly, with implications for dark matter / baryon feedback, IGM gas accretion, and the physics of star formation in low metallicity environments. Our program uses ground-based IFU spectra in tandem with space-based UV and IR imaging to determine the star-formation histories of LSB galaxies in a spatially resolved fashion. In this work we present the fitted history of our first target to demonstrate our techniques and methodology. Our technique splits the history of this galaxy into 15 semi-logarithmically spaced timesteps. Within each timestep the star-formation rate of each spaxel is assumed constant. We then determine the set of 15 star-formation rates that best recreate the spectra and photometry measured in each spaxel. Our main findings with respect to UGC 628 are: a) the visible properties of UGC 628 have varied over time, appearing as a high surface brightness spiral earlier than 8 Gyr ago and a starburst galaxy during a recent episode of star formation several tens of Myr ago, b) the central bar/core region was established early, around 8-10 Gyr ago, but has been largely inactive since, and c) star formation in the past 3 Gyr is best characterised as patchy and sporadic.

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