Switch effect and $0$-$pi$ transition in Ising superconductor Josephson junctions

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We theoretically study the Josephson current in Ising superconductor-half-metal-Ising superconductor junctions. By solving the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations, the Josephson currents contributed by the discrete Andreev levels and the continuous spectrum are obtained. For very short junctions, because the direct tunneling of the Cooper pair dominates the Josephson current, the current-phase difference relation is independent of the magnetization direction, which is the same as the conventional superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor junctions. On the other hand, when the length of the half-metal is similar to or greater than the superconducting coherence length, the spin-triplet Josephson effect occurs and dominates the Josephson current. In this case, the current-phase difference relations show the strong magnetoanisotropic behaviors with the period pi. When the magnetization direction points to the $pm$ z directions, the current is zero regardless of the phase difference. However, the current has a large value when the magnetization direction is parallel to the junction plane, which leads to a perfect switch effect of the Josephson current. Furthermore, we find that the long junctions can host both the 0 state and pi state, and the $0$-$pi$ transitions can be achieved with the change of the magnetization direction. The physical origins of the switch effect and $0$-$pi$ transitions are interpreted from the perspectives of the spin-triplet Andreev reflection, the Ising pairing order parameter and the Ginzburg-Landau type of free energy. In addition, the influences of the chemical potential, the magnetization magnitude, and the strength of the Ising spin-orbit coupling on the switch effect and $0$-$pi$ transitions are also investigated. Furthermore, the two-dimensional Josephson junctions are also investigated and we show that the spin-triplet Josephson effect can exist always.

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