On Covering Numbers, Young Diagrams, and the Local Dimension of Posets

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study covering numbers and local covering numbers with respect to difference graphs and complete bipartite graphs. In particular we show that in every cover of a Young diagram with $binom{2k}{k}$ steps with generalized rectangles there is a row or a column in the diagram that is used by at least $k+1$ rectangles, and prove that this is best-possible. This answers two questions by Kim, Martin, Masa{v{r}}{i}k, Shull, Smith, Uzzell, and Wang (Europ. J. Comb. 2020), namely: - What is the local complete bipartite cover number of a difference graph? - Is there a sequence of graphs with constant local difference graph cover number and unbounded local complete bipartite cover number? We add to the study of these local covering numbers with a lower bound construction and some examples. Following Kim emph{et al.}, we use the results on local covering numbers to provide lower and upper bounds for the local dimension of partially ordered sets of height~2. We discuss the local dimension of some posets related to Boolean lattices and show that the poset induced by the first two layers of the Boolean lattice has local dimension $(1 + o(1))log_2log_2 n$. We conclude with some remarks on covering numbers for digraphs and Ferrers dimension.

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