Thermal Transport for Probing Quantum Materials

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Thermal transport is less appreciated in probing quantum materials in comparison to electrical transport. This article aims to show the pivotal role that thermal transport may play in understanding quantum materials: the longitudinal thermal transport reflects the itinerant quasiparticles even in an electrical insulating phase, while the transverse thermal transport such as thermal Hall and Nernst effect are tightly linked to nontrivial topology. We discuss three types of examples: quantum spin liquids where thermal transport identifies its existence, superconductors where thermal transport reveals the superconducting gap structure, and topological Weyl semimetals where anomalous Nernst effect is a consequence of nontrivial Berry curvature. We conclude with an outlook of the unique insights thermal transport may offer to probe a much broader category of quantum phenomena.

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