Dynamical formation of quantum droplets in a $^{39}$K mixture

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We report on the dynamical formation of self-bound quantum droplets in attractive mixtures of $^{39}$K atoms. Considering the experimental observations of Semeghini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 235301 (2018), we perform numerical simulations to understand the relevant processes involved in the formation of a metastable droplet from an out-of-equilibrium mixture. We first analyze the so-called self-evaporation mechanism, where the droplet dissipates energy by releasing atoms, and then we consider the effects of losses due to three-body recombinations and to the balancing of populations in the mixture. We discuss the importance of these three mechanisms in the observed droplet dynamics and their implications for future experiments.

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