Parameter symmetry in perturbed GUE corners process and reflected drifted Brownian motions

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The perturbed GUE corners ensemble is the joint distribution of eigenvalues of all principal submatrices of a matrix $G+mathrm{diag}(mathbf{a})$, where $G$ is the random matrix from the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUE), and $mathrm{diag}(mathbf{a})$ is a fixed diagonal matrix. We introduce Markov transitions based on exponential jumps of eigenvalues, and show that their successive application is equivalent in distribution to a deterministic shift of the matrix. This result also leads to a new distributional symmetry for a family of reflected Brownian motions with drifts coming from an arithmetic progression. The construction we present may be viewed as a random matrix analogue of the recent results of the first author and Axel Saenz (arXiv:1907.09155 [math.PR]).

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