Hot subdwarf B stars with neutron star components II: Binary population synthesis

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Context: Subdwarf B stars (sdBs) play a crucial role in stellar evolution, asteroseismology, and far-UV radiation of early-type galaxies, and have been intensively studied with observation and theory. It has theoretically been predicted that sdBs with neutron star (NS) companions exist in the Galaxy, but none have been discovered yet. This remains a puzzle in this field. In a previous study (hereafter Paper I), we have studied the formation channels of sdB+NS binaries from main-sequence (MS) stars plus NS binaries by establishing a model grid, but it is still unclear how these binaries consisting of MS stars and NS binaries came to be in the first place. Aims: We systematically study the formation of sdB+NS binaries from their original zero-age main-sequence progenitors. We bridge the gap left by our previous study in this way. We obtain the statistical population properties of sdB+NS binaries and provide some guidance for observational efforts. Methods: We first used Hurleys rapid binary evolution code BSE to evolve 10^7 primordial binaries to the point where the companions of NS+MS, NS+Hertzsprung gap (HG) star, and NS+Giant Branch (GB) star binaries have just filled their Roche lobes. Next, we injected these binaries into the model grid we developed in Paper I to obtain the properties of the sdB+NS populations. We adopted two prescriptions of NS natal kicks. Different values of common-envelope ejection efficiency were chosen to examine the effect of common-envelope evolution on the results. Conclusions: Most sdB+NS binaries are located in the Galactic disk with small RV semi-amplitudes. SdB+NS binaries with large RV semi-amplitudes are expected to be strong GWR sources, some of which could be detected by LISA in the future.

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