VEGAS: VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey. V. IC 1459 group: Mass assembly history in low density environments

الملخص بالإنكليزية

This paper is based on the multi-band VST Early-type GAlaxy Survey (VEGAS) with the VLT Survey Telescope (VST). We present new deep photometry of the IC1459 group in g and r band. The main goal of this work is to investigate the photometric properties of the IC1459 group, and to compare our results with those obtained for other galaxy groups studied in VEGAS, in order to provide a first view of the variation of their properties as a function of the evolution of the system. For all galaxies in the IC1459 group, we fit isophotes and extract the azimuthally-averaged surface-brightness profiles, the position angle and ellipticity profiles as a function of the semi-major axis, as well as the average colour profile. In each band, we estimate the total magnitudes, effective radii, mean colour, and total stellar mass for each galaxies in the group. Then we look at the structure of the brightest galaxies and faint features in their outskirts, considering also the intragroup component. The wide field of view, long integration time, high angular resolution, and arcsec-level seeing of OmegaCAM@VST allow us to map the light distribution of IC1459 down to a surface brightness level of 29.26 mag arcsec^{-2} in g band and 28.85 mag arcsec^{-2} in r band, and out to 7-10 Re, and to detect the optical counterpart of HI gas around IC1459. We also explore in depth three low density environments and provide information to understand how galaxies and groups properties change with the group evolution stage. There is a good agreement of our results with predictions of numerical simulations regarding the structural properties of the brightest galaxies of the groups. We suggest that the structure of the outer envelope of the BCGs, the intra-group light and the HI amount and distribution may be used as indicators of the different evolutionary stage and mass assembly in galaxy groups.

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