The Nusselt numbers of horizontal convection

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We consider the problem of horizontal convection in which non-uniform buoyancy, $b_{rm s}(x,y)$, is imposed on the top surface of a container and all other surfaces are insulating. Horizontal convection produces a net horizontal flux of buoyancy, $mathbf{J}$, defined by vertically and temporally averaging the interior horizontal flux of buoyancy. We show that $overline{mathbf{J}cdotmathbf{ abla}b_{rm s}}=-kappalangle|boldsymbol{ abla}b|^2rangle$; overbar denotes a space-time average over the top surface, angle brackets denote a volume-time average and $kappa$ is the molecular diffusivity of buoyancy $b$. This connection between $mathbf{J}$ and $kappalangle|boldsymbol{ abla}b|^2rangle$ justifies the definition of the horizontal-convective Nusselt number, $Nu$, as the ratio of $kappa langle|boldsymbol{ abla}b|^2rangle$ to the corresponding quantity produced by molecular diffusion alone. We discuss the advantages of this definition of $Nu$ over other definitions of horizontal-convective Nusselt number currently in use. We investigate transient effects and show that $kappa langle|boldsymbol{ abla}b|^2rangle$ equilibrates more rapidly than other global averages, such as the domain averaged kinetic energy and bottom buoyancy. We show that $kappalangle|boldsymbol{ abla} b|^2rangle$ is essentially the volume-averaged rate of Boussinesq entropy production within the enclosure. In statistical steady state, the interior entropy production is balanced by a flux of entropy through the top surface. This leads to an equivalent surface Nusselt number, defined as the surface average of vertical buoyancy flux through the top surface times the imposed surface buoyancy $b_{rm s}(x,y)$. In experiments it is likely easier to evaluate the surface entropy flux, rather than the volume integral of $|mathbf{ abla}b|^2$ demanded by $kappalangle|mathbf{ abla}b|^2rangle$.

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