Observations of solar chromospheric oscillations at 3 mm with ALMA

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We studied chromospheric oscillations using Atacama Large millimeter and sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) time-series of interferometric observations of the quiet Sun obtained at 3 mm with a 2-s cadence and a spatial resolution of a few arcsec. The same analysis, over the same fields of view and for the same intervals, was performed for simultaneous Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) image sequences in 1600 A. Spatially-resolved chromospheric oscillations at 3 mm, with frequencies of $ 4.2 +- 1.7$ mHz are observed in the quiet Sun, in both cell and network. The coherence length-scale of the oscillations is commensurate with the spatial resolution of our ALMA observations. Brightness-temperature fluctuations in individual pixels could reach up to a few hundred K, while the spatially averaged power spectral densities yield rms in the range ~ 55-75 K, i.e., up to ~ 1 % of the averaged brightness temperatures and exhibit a moderate increase towards the limb. For AIA 1600 A, the oscillation frequency is 3.7 +- 1.7 mHz. The relative rms is up to 6 % of the background intensity, with a weak increase towards disk center (cell, average). ALMA 3 mm time-series lag AIA 1600 A by ~ 100 s, which corresponds to a formation-height difference of ~ 1200 km. The ALMA oscillations that we detected exhibit higher amplitudes than those derived from the lower (~ 10 arcsec) resolution observations at 3.5 mm by White et al. (2006). Chromospheric oscillations are, therefore, not fully resolved at the length-scale of the chromospheric network, and possibly not even at the spatial resolution of our ALMA observations. Any study of transient brightenings in the mm-domain should take into account the oscillations.

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