Equivalence of the quantumness of sequential correlations and spatial correlations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Quantum information protocols can be realized using the `prepare and measure setups which do not require sharing quantum correlated particles. In this work, we study the equivalence between the quantumness in a prepare and measure scenario involving independent devices, which implements quantum random number generation, and the quantumness in the corresponding scenario which realizes the same task with spatially separated correlated particles. In particular, we demonstrate that quantumness of sequential correlations observed in the prepare and measure scenario gets manifested as superunsteerability, which is a particular kind of spatial quantum correlation in the presence of limited shared randomness. In this scenario consisting of spatially separated quantum correlated particles as resource for implementing the quantum random number generation protocol, we define an experimentally measurable quantity which provides a bound on the amount of genuine randomness generation. Next, we study the equivalence between the quantumness of the prepare and measure scenario in the presence of shared randomness, which has been used for implementing quantum random-access codes, and the quantumness in the corresponding scenario which replaces quantum communication by spatially separated quantum correlated particles. In this case, we demonstrate that certain sequential correlations in the prepare and measure scenario in the presence of shared randomness, which have quantumness but do not provide advantage for random-access codes, can be used to provide advantage when they are realized as spatial correlations in the presence of limited shared randomness. We point out that these spatial correlations are superlocal correlations, which are another kind of spatial quantum correlations in the presence of limited shared randomness, and identify inequalities detecting superlocality.

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