Sketching for Motzkins Iterative Method for Linear Systems

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Projection-based iterative methods for solving large over-determined linear systems are well-known for their simplicity and computational efficiency. It is also known that the correct choice of a sketching procedure (i.e., preprocessing steps that reduce the dimension of each iteration) can improve the performance of iterative methods in multiple ways, such as, to speed up the convergence of the method by fighting inner correlations of the system, or to reduce the variance incurred by the presence of noise. In the current work, we show that sketching can also help us to get better theoretical guarantees for the projection-based methods. Specifically, we use good properties of Gaussian sketching to prove an accelerated convergence rate of the sketched relaxation (also known as Motzkins) method. The new estimates hold for linear systems of arbitrary structure. We also provide numerical experiments in support of our theoretical analysis of the sketched relaxation method.

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