Neutrino-Deuteron Reactions at Solar Neutrino Energies in Pionless Effective Field Theory with Dibaryon Fields

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study breakup of the deuteron induced by neutrinos in the neutral $ u dto u np$, $bar{ u} dto bar{ u} np$ and the charged $bar{ u} dto e^+ n n$, $ u dto e^- pp$ processes. Pionless effective field theory with dibaryon fields is used to calculate the total cross sections for neutrino energies $E_ u$ from threshold to 20 MeV. Amplitudes are expanded up to next-to-leading order, and the partial wave is truncated at $P$-waves. The Coulomb interaction between two protons is included nonperturbatively in the reaction amplitudes, and an analytic expression of the amplitudes is obtained. The contribution of the next-to-leading order to the total cross section is in the range of 5.2$-$9.9% in magnitude, and that of the $P$-wave is 2.4$-$2.8% at $E_ u = 20$ MeV. Uncertainty arising from an axial isovector low-energy constant is estimated to be on the order of 1%.

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