Dynamics Near An Idempotent

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Hindman and Leader first introduced the notion of semigroup of ultrafilters converging to zero for a dense subsemigroups of $((0,infty),+)$. Using the algebraic structure of the Stone-$breve{C}$ech compactification, Tootkabani and Vahed generalized and extended this notion to an idempotent instead of zero, that is a semigroup of ultrafilters converging to an idempotent $e$ for a dense subsemigroups of a semitopological semigroup $(T, +)$ and they gave the combinatorial proof of central set theorem near $e$. Algebraically one can also define quasi-central sets near $e$ for dense subsemigroups of $(T, +)$. In a dense subsemigroup of $(T,+)$, C-sets near $e$ are the sets, which satisfy the conclusions of the central sets theorem near $e$. S. K. Patra gave dynamical characterizations of these combinatorially rich sets near zero. In this paper we shall prove these dynamical characterizations for these combinatorially rich sets near $e$.

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