Supersymmetric $Jbar{T}$ and $Tbar{J}$ deformations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We explore the $Jbar{T}$ and $Tbar{J}$ deformations of two-dimensional field theories possessing $mathcal N=(0,1),(1,1)$ and $(0,2)$ supersymmetry. Based on the stress-tensor and flavor current multiplets, we construct various bilinear supersymmetric primary operators that induce the $Jbar{T}/Tbar{J}$ deformation in a manifestly supersymmetric way. Moreover, their supersymmetric descendants are shown to agree with the conventional $Jbar T /Tbar J$ operator on-shell. We also present some examples of $Jbar T /Tbar J$ flows arising from the supersymmetric deformation of free theories. Finally, we observe that all the deformation operators fit into a general pattern which generalizes the Smirnov-Zamolodchikov type composite operators.

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