Observation and Confirmation of Nine Strong Lensing Systems in Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Data

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We describe the observation and confirmation of bconfirmtext new strong gravitational lenses discovered in Year 1 data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). We created candidate lists based on a) galaxy group and cluster samples and b) photometrically selected galaxy samples. We selected 46 candidates through visual inspection and then used the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) at the Gemini South telescope to acquire spectroscopic follow-up of 21 of these candidates. Through analysis of this spectroscopic follow-up data, we confirmed nine new lensing systems and rejected 2 candidates, but the analysis was inconclusive on 10 candidates. For each of the confirmed systems, we report measured spectroscopic properties, estimated einsteinradiussub, and estimated enclosed masses. The sources that we targeted have an i-band surface brightness range of iSB ~ 22 - 24 mag arcsec^2 and a spectroscopic redshift range of zspec ~0.8 - 2.6. The lens galaxies have a photometric redshift range of zlens ~ 0.3 - 0.7. The lensing systems range in image-lens separation 2 - 9 arcsec and in enclosed mass 10^12 - 10^13 Msol.

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