Combined effects of amplitude, frequency and bandwidth on wavepackets in laminar turbulent transition

الملخص بالإنكليزية

This study concerns wavepackets in laminar turbulent transition in a Blasius boundary layer. While initial amplitude and frequency have well-recognized roles in the transition process, the current study on the combined effects of amplitude, frequency, and bandwidth on the propagation of wavepackets is believed to be new. Because of the complexity of the system, these joint variations in multiple parameters could give rise to effects not seen through the variation of any single parameter. Direct numerical simulations (DNS) are utilized in a full factorial (fully crossed) design to investigate both individual and joint effects of variation in the simulation parameters, with a special focus on three distinct variants of wavepacket transition {textemdash} the reverse Craik triad formation sequence, concurrent N-type and K-type transition and abrupt shifts in dominant frequency. From our factorial study, we can summarize the key transition trends of wavepackets as follows: 1. Broad bandwidth wavepackets predominantly transit to turbulence via the N-route. This tendency remains strong even as the frequency width is reduced. 2. Narrow bandwidth wavetrains exhibit predominantly K-type transition. The front broadband part of an emerging wavetrain may experience N-type transition, but this wavefront should not be considered as a part of truly narrow-bandwidth wavepackets. 3. K-type transition is the most likely for wavepackets that are initiated with high energy/amplitude and/or with the peak frequency at the lower branch of the neutral stability curve.

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