Abstract 3-Rigidity and Bivariate $C_2^1$-Splines I: Whiteleys Maximality Conjecture

الملخص بالإنكليزية

A conjecture of Graver from 1991 states that the generic $3$-dimensional rigidity matroid is the unique maximal abstract $3$-rigidity matroid with respect to the weak order on matroids. Based on a close similarity between the generic $d$-dimensional rigidity matroid and the generic $C_{d-2}^{d-1}$-cofactor matroid from approximation theory, Whiteley made an analogous conjecture in 1996 that the generic $C_{d-2}^{d-1}$-cofactor matroid is the unique maximal abstract $d$-rigidity matroid for all $dgeq 2$. We verify the case $d=3$ of Whiteleys conjecture in this paper. A key step in our proof is to verify a second conjecture of Whiteley that the `double V-replacement operation preserves independence in the generic $C_2^1$-cofactor matroid.

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