Superstatistics of Schrodinger Equation with Pseudoharmonic potential in an External Magnetic and Aharanov-Bohm(AB) Fields

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this work, the thermodynamic property of pseudoharmonic potential in the presence of external magnetic and AB fields is investigated. We used effective Boltzmann factor within the superstatistics formalism to obtain the thermodynamic properties such as Helmholtz free energy (F), Internal energy (U), entropy(S) and specific heat (C) of the system. In addition, we discuss the result of the thermodynamic properties of some selected diatomic molecules of N2, Cl2, I2 and CH using their experimental spectroscopic parameters and that of the variation of the deformation parameter of q=0,0.3,0.7. We also illustrated with some graphs for clarity of our results in both cases.

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