A Brief History of Time Crystals

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The idea of breaking time-translation symmetry has fascinated humanity at least since ancient proposals of the perpetuum mobile. Unlike the breaking of other symmetries, such as spatial translation in a crystal or spin rotation in a magnet, time translation symmetry breaking (TTSB) has been tantalisingly elusive. We review this history up to recent developments which have shown that discrete TTSB does takes place in periodically driven (Floquet) systems in the presence of many-body localization. Such Floquet time-crystals represent a new paradigm in quantum statistical mechanics --- that of an intrinsically out-of-equilibrium many-body phase of matter. We include a compendium of necessary background, before specializing to a detailed discussion of the nature, and diagnostics, of TTSB. We formalize the notion of a time-crystal as a stable, macroscopic, conservative clock --- explaining both the need for a many-body system in the infinite volume limit, and for a lack of net energy absorption or dissipation. We also cover a range of related phenomena, including various types of long-lived prethermal time-crystals, and expose the roles played by symmetries -- exact and (emergent) approximate -- and their breaking. We clarify the distinctions between many-body time-crystals and other ostensibly similar phenomena dating as far back as the works of Faraday and Mathieu. En route, we encounter Wilczeks suggestion that macroscopic systems should exhibit TTSB in their ground states, together with a theorem ruling this out. We also analyze pioneering recent experiments detecting signatures of time crystallinity in a variety of different platforms, and provide a detailed theoretical explanation of the physics in each case. In all existing experiments, the system does not realize a `true time-crystal phase, and we identify necessary ingredients for improvements in future experiments.

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