Strong coupling out of the blue: an interplay of quantum emitter hybridization with plasmonic dark and bright modes

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Strong coupling between a single quantum emitter and an electromagnetic mode is one of the key effects in quantum optics. In the cavity QED approach to plasmonics, strongly coupled systems are usually understood as single-transition emitters resonantly coupled to a single radiative plasmonic mode. However, plasmonic cavities also support non-radiative (or dark) modes, which offer much higher coupling strengths. On the other hand, realistic quantum emitters often support multiple electronic transitions of various symmetry, which could overlap with higher order plasmonic transitions -- in the blue or ultraviolet part of the spectrum. Here, we show that vacuum Rabi splitting with a single emitter can be achieved by leveraging dark modes of a plasmonic nanocavity. Specifically, we show that a significantly detuned electronic transition can be hybridized with a dark plasmon pseudomode, resulting in the vacuum Rabi splitting of the bright dipolar plasmon mode. We develop a simple model illustrating the modification of the system response in the dark strong coupling regime and demonstrate single photon non-linearity. These results may find important implications in the emerging field of room temperature quantum plasmonics.

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