Privacy-Preserving Multi-Party Contextual Bandits

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Contextual bandits are online learners that, given an input, select an arm and receive a reward for that arm. They use the reward as a learning signal and aim to maximize the total reward over the inputs. Contextual bandits are commonly used to solve recommendation or ranking problems. This paper considers a learning setting in which multiple parties aim to train a contextual bandit together in a private way: the parties aim to maximize the total reward but do not want to share any of the relevant information they possess with the other parties. Specifically, multiple parties have access to (different) features that may benefit the learner but that cannot be shared with other parties. One of the parties pulls the arm but other parties may not learn which arm was pulled. One party receives the reward but the other parties may not learn the reward value. This paper develops a privacy-preserving multi-party contextual bandit for this learning setting by combining secure multi-party computation with a differentially private mechanism based on epsilon-greedy exploration.

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