On the Effects of Pseudo and Quantum Random Number Generators in Soft Computing

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In this work, we argue that the implications of Pseudo and Quantum Random Number Generators (PRNG and QRNG) inexplicably affect the performances and behaviours of various machine learning models that require a random input. These implications are yet to be explored in Soft Computing until this work. We use a CPU and a QPU to generate random numbers for multiple Machine Learning techniques. Random numbers are employed in the random initial weight distributions of Dense and Convolutional Neural Networks, in which results show a profound difference in learning patterns for the two. In 50 Dense Neural Networks (25 PRNG/25 QRNG), QRNG increases over PRNG for accent classification at +0.1%, and QRNG exceeded PRNG for mental state EEG classification by +2.82%. In 50 Convolutional Neural Networks (25 PRNG/25 QRNG), the MNIST and CIFAR-10 problems are benchmarked, in MNIST the QRNG experiences a higher starting accuracy than the PRNG but ultimately only exceeds it by 0.02%. In CIFAR-10, the QRNG outperforms PRNG by +0.92%. The n-random split of a Random Tree is enhanced towards and new Quantum Random Tree (QRT) model, which has differing classification abilities to its classical counterpart, 200 trees are trained and compared (100 PRNG/100 QRNG). Using the accent and EEG classification datasets, a QRT seemed inferior to a RT as it performed on average worse by -0.12%. This pattern is also seen in the EEG classification problem, where a QRT performs worse than a RT by -0.28%. Finally, the QRT is ensembled into a Quantum Random Forest (QRF), which also has a noticeable effect when compared to the standard Random Forest (RF)... ABSTRACT SHORTENED DUE TO ARXIV LIMIT

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