Coherent control of nitrogen-vacancy center spins in silicon carbide at room temperature

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Solid-state color centers with manipulatable spin qubits and telecom-ranged fluorescence are ideal platforms for quantum communications and distributed quantum computations. In this work, we coherently control the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center spins in silicon carbide at room temperature, in which telecom-wavelength emission is detected. We increase the NV concentration six-fold through optimization of implantation conditions. Hence, coherent control of NV center spins is achieved at room temperature and the coherence time T2 can be reached to around 17.1 {mu}s. Furthermore, investigation of fluorescence properties of single NV centers shows that they are room temperature photostable single photon sources at telecom range. Taking advantages of technologically mature materials, the experiment demonstrates that the NV centers in silicon carbide are promising platforms for large-scale integrated quantum photonics and long-distance quantum networks.

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