A phenomenological study of CP-violating dimension-six operators via the $e^+e^-to u bar{ u} H$ process is performed in a model-independent Standard Model effective field theory framework at all energy stages of CLIC using the updated baseline integrated luminosities. All signal and relevant background events are generated in MadGraph and passed through PYTHIA for parton showering and hadronization at parton level. Detector effects are considered via tuned CLIC detector cards in Delphes. Since we reconstruct the Higgs boson from a pair of b-jets, limits on CP-violating dimension-six couplings are obtained at three $b$-tagging working points: tight, medium and loose defined in the CLIC Delphes card for all three energy stages of CLIC. Our best 95 % C.L. limits at the loose working point (90 % b-tagging efficiency) on $tilde c_{HW}$ and $tilde c_{HB}$ are $[-7.0times10^{-3};7.0times10^{-3}]$ and $[-3.0times10^{-2};3.0times10^{-2}]$, respectively at the 3 TeV energy stage of CLIC with an integrated luminosity of 5.0 ab$^{-1}$. Considering a 0.3 % systematic uncertainty from possible experimental sources worsens the limits on these couplings by a factor of two.
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