Lattice dynamics, phonon chirality and spin-phonon coupling in 2D itinerant ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Fe3GeTe2 has emerged as one of the most fascinating van der Waals crystals due to its two-dimensional (2D) itinerant ferromagnetism, topological nodal lines and Kondo lattice behavior. However, lattice dynamics, chirality of phonons and spin-phonon coupling in this material, which set the foundation for these exotic phenomena, have remained unexplored. Here we report the first experimental investigation of the phonons and mutual interactions between spin and lattice degrees of freedom in few-layer Fe3GeTe2. Our results elucidate three prominent Raman modes at room temperature: two A1g({Gamma}) and one E2g({Gamma}) phonons. The doubly degenerate E2g({Gamma}) mode reverses the helicity of incident photon, indicating the pseudo-angular momentum and chirality. Through analysis of temperature-dependent phonon energies and lifetimes, which strongly diverge from the anharmonic model below Curie temperature, we determine the spin-phonon coupling in Fe3GeTe2. Such interaction between lattice oscillations and spin significantly enhances the Raman susceptibility, allowing us to observe two additional Raman modes at the cryogenic temperature range. In addition, we reveal laser radiation induced degradation of Fe3GeTe2 in ambient conditions and the corresponding Raman fingerprint. Our results provide the first experimental analysis of phonons in this novel 2D itinerant ferromagnet and their applicability for further fundamental studies and application development.

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