Absence of a thick atmosphere on the terrestrial exoplanet LHS 3844b

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Most known terrestrial planets orbit small stars with radii less than 60% that of the Sun. Theoretical models predict that these planets are more vulnerable to atmospheric loss than their counterparts orbiting Sun-like stars. To determine whether a thick atmosphere has survived on a small planet, one approach is to search for signatures of atmospheric heat redistribution in its thermal phase curve. Previous phase curve observations of the super-Earth 55 Cancri e (1.9 Earth radii) showed that its peak brightness is offset from the substellar point $-$ possibly indicative of atmospheric circulation. Here we report a phase curve measurement for the smaller, cooler planet LHS 3844b, a 1.3 Earth radius world in an 11-hour orbit around a small, nearby star. The observed phase variation is symmetric and has a large amplitude, implying a dayside brightness temperature of $1040pm40$ kelvin and a nightside temperature consistent with zero kelvin (at one standard deviation). Thick atmospheres with surface pressures above 10 bar are ruled out by the data (at three standard deviations), and less-massive atmospheres are unstable to erosion by stellar wind. The data are well fitted by a bare rock model with a low Bond albedo (lower than 0.2 at two standard deviations). These results support theoretical predictions that hot terrestrial planets orbiting small stars may not retain substantial atmospheres.

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