A multispectral analysis of the northeastern shell of IC 443

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We have carried out optical observations of the north-eastern part of the supernova remnant IC 443 using the CFHT imaging spectrograph SITELLE. The observations consist of three multispectral cubes covering an 11$^{prime}$ $times$11$^{prime}$ area allowing the investigation of both the spatial and spectral variation of 9 emission lines : [OII] $lambdalambda$3726+3729, [OIII] $lambdalambda$4959,5007, H$beta$, H$alpha$, [NII] $lambdalambda$6548,6583 and [SII] $lambdalambda$6716,6731. Extinction measurement from the H$alpha$ / H$beta$ ratio shows significant variation across the observed region with E(B-V) = 0.8-1.1. Electron density measurements using [SII] lines indicate densities ranging from 100 up to 2500 cm$^{-3}$. Models computed with the shock modelling code MAPPINGS are presented and compared with the observations. A combination of complete shock model and truncated ones are required in order to explain the observed spectrum. The shock velocities found in IC 443 are between 20 and 150 km/s with 75 km/s being the most prominent velocity. The pre-shock number density varies from 20 to 60 cm$^{-3}$. A single set of abundances close to solar values combined with varying shock parameters (shock velocity, pre-shock density and shock age) are sufficient to explain to great variation of lines intensities observed in IC 443. Despite the relatively modest spectral resolution of the data (R$sim 1500$ at H$alpha$), we clearly separate the red and blue velocity components of the expanding nebula, which show significant morphological differences.

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