Three-dimensional trapping of individual Rydberg atoms in ponderomotive bottle beam traps

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We demonstrate three-dimensional trapping of individual Rydberg atoms in holographic optical bottle beam traps. Starting with cold, ground-state $^{87}$Rb atoms held in standard optical tweezers, we excite them to $nS_{1/2}$, $nP_{1/2}$, or $nD_{3/2}$ Rydberg states and transfer them to a hollow trap at 850 nm. For principal quantum numbers $60 leqslant n leqslant 90$, the measured trapping time coincides with the Rydberg state lifetime in a 300~K environment. We show that these traps are compatible with quantum information and simulation tasks by performing single qubit microwave Rabi flopping, as well as by measuring the interaction-induced, coherent spin-exchange dynamics between two trapped Rydberg atoms separated by 40 $mu$m. These results will find applications in the realization of high-fidelity quantum simulations and quantum logic operations with Rydberg atoms.

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