The point-charge self-energy in a nonminimal Lorentz violating Maxwell Electrodynamics

الملخص بالإنكليزية

In this letter we study the self-energy of a point-like charge for the electromagnetic field in a non minimal Lorentz symmetry breaking scenario in a $n+1$ dimensional space time. We consider two variations of a model where the Lorentz violation is caused by a background vector $d^{ u}$ that appears in a higher derivative interaction. We restrict our attention to the case where $d^{mu}$ is a time-like background vector, namely $d^{2}=d^{mu}d_{mu}>0$, and we verify that the classical self-energy is finite for any odd spatial dimension $n$ and diverges for even $n$. We also make some comments regarding obstacles in the quantization of the proposed model.

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