Heating up holography for single-trace $Jbar{T}$ deformations

الملخص بالإنكليزية

We study thermodynamic aspects of a tractable toy model of holography for extremal Kerr black holes proposed in [arXiv:1806.10127]. On the gravity side, the theory can be described by the worldsheet action of string theory on a warped AdS$_3$ background supported by NS-NS flux. Once we turn on temperature, the deformed background is described by a black string solution of type IIB supergravity that features a locally warped AdS$_3$ factor. The dual field theory is conjectured to be a single-trace version of a $Jbar{T}$-deformed CFT at finite temperature. As evidence for the correspondence we show that the spectrum of strings winding on the deformed background agrees with the spectrum of $Jbar{T}$-deformed CFTs. Furthermore, we show that the gravitational charges of the black string match the averaged charges of a thermal ensemble in the dual field theory. Finally, we reproduce the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of the black string from the microscopic density of states of $Jbar{T}$-deformed CFTs.

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