I Am Not What I Write: Privacy Preserving Text Representation Learning

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Online users generate tremendous amounts of textual information by participating in different activities, such as writing reviews and sharing tweets. This textual data provides opportunities for researchers and business partners to study and understand individuals. However, this user-generated textual data not only can reveal the identity of the user but also may contain individuals private information (e.g., age, location, gender). Hence, you are what you write as the saying goes. Publishing the textual data thus compromises the privacy of individuals who provided it. The need arises for data publishers to protect peoples privacy by anonymizing the data before publishing it. It is challenging to design effective anonymization techniques for textual information which minimizes the chances of re-identification and does not contain users sensitive information (high privacy) while retaining the semantic meaning of the data for given tasks (high utility). In this paper, we study this problem and propose a novel double privacy preserving text representation learning framework, DPText, which learns a textual representation that (1) is differentially private, (2) does not contain private information and (3) retains high utility for the given task. Evaluating on two natural language processing tasks, i.e., sentiment analysis and part of speech tagging, we show the effectiveness of this approach in terms of preserving both privacy and utility.

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