Density-matrix renormalization group study of the linear conductance in quantum wires coupled to interacting leads or phonons

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In a previous paper [J.-M. Bischoff and E. Jeckelmann, Phys. Rev. B 96, 195111 (2017)] we introduced a density-matrix renormalization group method for calculating the linear conductance of one-dimensional correlated quantum systems and demonstrated it on homogeneous spinless fermion chains with impurities. Here we present extensions of this method to inhomogeneous systems, models with phonons, and the spin conductance of electronic models. The method is applied to a spinless fermion wire-lead model, the homogeneous spinless Holstein model, and the Hubbard model. Its capabilities are demonstrated by comparison with the predictions of Luttinger liquid theory combined with Bethe Ansatz solutions and other numerical methods. We find a complex behavior for quantum wires coupled to interacting leads when the sign of the interaction (repulsive/attractive) differs in wire and leads. The renormalization of the conductance given by the Luttinger parameter in purely fermionic systems is shown to remain valid in the Luttinger liquid phase of the Holstein model with phononic degrees of freedom.

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