The Uplifting of AdS Type to Quintessence Like Potential Induced by Frozen Large Scale Lorentz Violation

الملخص بالإنكليزية

The quintessence-like potential of vacuum energy can meet the requirement from both quantum gravity and the accelerating expansion of the universe. The anti-de Sitter vacuum in string theory has to be lifted to the meta-stable de Sitter vacuum with positive vacuum energy density to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe. Based on the possible large scale Lorentz violation, we define an effective cosmological constant which depends not only on the bare cosmological constant but also on the Lorentz violation effect. We find the evolution of the effective cosmological constant exhibits the behavior of quintessence potential when the bare cosmological constant is from string landscape in contrary to the existence of local minimum during evolution while the bare cosmological constant is supplied by the swampland. The critical value of bare cosmological constant is approximately zero for the behavior transition. The frozen large scale Lorentz violation can uplift the AdS vacua to an effective quintessence-like one in this sense.

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