Study of phases in a holographic QCD model

الملخص بالإنكليزية

Witten-Sakai-Sugimoto model is used to study two flavour Yang-Mills theory with large number of colours at finite temperature and in presence of chemical potential for baryon number and isospin. Sources for $U(1)_B$ and $U(1)_3$ gauge fields on the flavour 8-branes are D4-branes wrapped on $S^4$ part of the background. Here, gauge symmetry on the flavour branes has been decomposed as $U(2) equiv U(1)_B times SU(2)$ and $U(1)_3$ is within $SU(2)$ and generated by the diagonal generator. We show various brane configurations, along with the phases in the boundary theory they correspond to, and explore the possibility of phase transition between various pairs of phases.

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